

Versions help meeting projects deadlines by defining release versions that should include all bug fixes and features implementation. For software-related projects, BUGtrack versions may correspond to the real-life products release versions. For other fields, versions can mean deadline dates, or events, or both. In bug records, versions are specified in the Fix for picklist field.

If a date is assigned for a version, after this day all bugs associated with the version will appear as past due and will be highlighted in lists.

Versions can be maintained both globally and project-specifically. When a bug is created, edited, moved or reassigned, the available options for the Fix for picklist include all the global versions and the versions maintained in the current project.

This section describes global versions. Project-specific versions maintenance in described in the Projects section.


Admin tab – Management area – Versions link


To create a global version:

To edit a global version:

To delete a global version:

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