

Roles define typical sets of business rules in bug processing, which include:

Roles are assigned to users on the project level, i.e. the business rules described in Roles apply to specific users within specific projects. If no role is assigned to a user for a project, this user has no access to the project. Thus, the same user may simultaneously be a manager in one project, a tester in another one, and have no access to a third one.


Admin tab – Management area – Roles link


The Roles page contains four lists of pre-defined roles, one list for each of the four permissions’ types. Each list displays specific permissions granted for each role. Initially, your BUGtrack system comes with four pre-defined roles, which can be changed and/or deleted according to your business needs.

Because the role detail edit page is quite self-explanatory, the description of its fields is not covered here.

To create a new role:

To rename a role or change a role’s permissions:

To delete a role:

Next: Priorities